I didn't think I could get any worse!

I am an older player that loves WZ! I have been playing COD since the first one released many years ago and I am a beast at MP. However, I am beyond trash at WZ. Trash!! I have dropped a nuke on MP only to turn around and get 20 deaths without a kill on WZ. I have never been able to understand where I am messing up on BR. I had hoped that with WZ2 I would improve due to the new steps to help casual players, and maybe even be competitive. Now it's here and I'm sadly disappointed.

I know people are talking about the fast ttk and the guns but I'm not experiencing that. I'm shooting the shit out of people and no one is dying. I'm losing every single gun fight. Every single one. Fights I should clearly win end up with them standing over me looting my backpack. I am far worse at this game than I was at WZ1!! I didn't think it was possible, but after 100 deaths in 2 days I think it's clear cut. Again, I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong! Yes, I have watched every streamer, tutorial, tip video and I'm well educated on all that stuff. Still no help. I literally melted a guy earlier with the MP5 version smg and he has a pistol. He won! It was absurd.

Finally, what is the deal with the loadouts!? Only a few loadouts drop and the rest are stuck with ground loot? If you are far from where they drop then you are screwed. Why not drop a loadout crate for everyone??? It's a stupid setup! Ultimately, I'm just horrible at the game and i don't think I will ever be any better. I'm not complaining, I just don't understand what I'm getting wrong!