Amalgam Warframes

Currently, warframes only have 1 variant, primes, which are a minor direct upgrade. What if there were more warframe variants that were more interesting, what if they had slightly altered abilities for example, while tackling some issues that primes inherently have?

Here is my idea Amalgam warframes. An Amalgam warframe is obtained simply installing an Amalgam Adapter on *non-prime* warframe using the helminth. How these Amalgam adapters would be obtained is beyond the scope of this post, but they would have to be evergreen, unlike primes. These warframes would have the same stats as the prime, but altered abilities. The goal is for the alterations to be meaningful, but not to change the warframe's identity. Here is an example:

Amalgam Mesa:

Ballistic Battery - When activated, this power stores damage caused by guns. When triggered again, the next gunshot increased status vulnerabilty and damage on the target hit.
Duration - 15 seconds
Strength - up to 200%
Cost - 25 energy

Shooting Gallery - Gives an ally extra radiation damage while confusing nearby enemies. This power shifts between team members.
Range - 16m
Duration - 30s
Strength - 25% (damage bonus)
Cost - 50 energy

Shatter Shield - Envelops Mesa in a barrier of energy, reducing incoming damage and reducing the duration of status effects.
Damage Reduction - 75% (up to 90% with strength)
Status Effect Duration Reduction - 75% (up to 90% with strength)
Duration - 25s
Cost - 75 energy

Peacemaker - With intense focus, Mesa draws her Regulator pistols, shooting down foes with homing energy blasts.
Instead of firing hitscan, it fires piercing homing energy blasts that home on targets in the reticle (same as the regular regulators)
Receives the Same damage multipliers as regular regulators. It also has different stats
Damage Multiplier - 1.5x (additive damage scales with strength)
Cost - 25 energy
Drain - 15 energy/s

Amalgam Regulators -
Fire Rate - 9/s
Accuracy - Very High
Trigger - AUTO
Critical Chance - 10%
Critical Multiplier - 3x
Status - 50%
Damage - 75
50% Tau
30% Impact
10% Puncture
10% Slash

This is just an example and is simply a mock up, I am aware that some balancing would have to be done here.

What do you think of this idea?