Trigger Issue - PDP SF Match

Background: Probably have about 6-7K rounds through it right now. 4K rounds ago added the ZR Tactical long-stroke guide rod and about 3K rounds ago the Sprinco Comp spring kit (trigger return and safety springs). I've been shooting it a lot, the only problem I've ever seen has been a failure to go into battery with the long stroke and a full 20-rd mag (maybe twice).

Anyway, today about 100 rounds in I've got a dead trigger halfway through a magazine. Cycle slide/round thinking maybe bad round. Fired one, dead again. Drop mag, cycle slide, still dead. Repeat. No divots in primers or weak primer strikes.

Did a bunch of cleared attempts at dry fire. Feels like the striker is not catching or perhaps the safety is holding the striker. I mean, that's the only thing in the trigger group that I "modified." The safety block piston feels fine and it isn't stuck or anything. I'm guessing the sear isn't engaging properly it's hard to tell. Another hint is that the thing was a major pain to get the slide off this time. Haven't cleaned in about 1K rounds that's why she's a little dirty.

Any ideas? Totally open to being an idiot, the only references to this sort of problem basically accuse the owner of the problem of being an idiot 😂

I'm breaking it down for detailed cleaning now I'll probably replace that safety block spring

Video the squeaking is the metal roof creaking not the gun sorry for the potato video