S5 release date and s4 close date transparency

Overall, I think Voltaic is a fantastic organization, and I really appreciate the work you do. However, I do have a small concern regarding the release date of S5 Kovaak and the S4 leaderboard submission close date. It would be incredibly helpful if there could be some transparency regarding the approximate release date of S5 and when the S4 submission close date will be.

For example, is the S4 submission close date the same day as the S5 release, or will there be a one-month beta period during which S4 scores can still be submitted? Most of the time when the question is asked in discord, vt members just troll, which could be thought of as rude and unprofessional.

The reason I ask is that I'm currently in the top 50 on the S4 leaderboard (I’d prefer not to share my exact rank), and I know I can improve my position by submitting some scores and further grinding. However, I need to plan my time accordingly, particularly over the Christmas break. I would appreciate some clarity on whether I should hard grind my S4 rank (if s4 submissions close in a few days) or if i can just take a break (if s4 submissions close in a month for example).