I hate my job and idk what to do

i moved to a new city in november to move in with my long term girlfriend(been together over three years) and had to quit my old job as relocating wasn’t an option. i had a new job lined up, same job field and same role with a good raise and way better benefits, but i hate this new job. this one is much more sales oriented and it just is not for me. i don’t have the option to just quit because we’re broke and with the economy the way it is and the way things are socially right now, i know ill have a difficult time finding something else(im a butch lesbian, living in florida, working in banking/finance). i don’t have a degree and and i’ve been in and out of college for years but it’s so expensive to go to school and i don’t want to take out any more loans and then fuck it up again so i cant progress to something more that will make more money and that i’ll enjoy. i feel like im stuck in the rut of customer service based jobs and im so fucking burnt out from it. my gf got in a car accident in october and was injured so she’s only working half the hours she was before and dealing with medical stuff and insurance and all that so i literally don’t have the option to just quit because my paycheck is being relied on which i don’t mind, i just fucking hate this job bro. i want to finish my degree but im too scared to fully commit because i already feel enough like a failure, i cant fail at school fucking again. i feel completely lost