Wings of Thought

Warning: Do yourself a favor and don't read this. You'll be exposed to 'unstyle,' an irreverent, unapologetic, and possibly traumatic storytelling experience not intended for those with a predilection for lucidity or anyone seeking actual literary merit. Abandon all hope of conventional narrative and decency. Please leave and don't return.

Like an old fiery furnace raging at its core, head scorched from a fearful fever. Freckled, fecal face spouting a monologue of pain. Hair roots gnarl, twisting into cerebral tendrils. Busted brainpan, cooked cerebrum. Synapses sizzle and fizzle like fire in water. Tolling bell pounced pendulating brain flat against skull like salami slices. Hijacked hell requesting a ransom of relief. Firmament of darkness a menace, night peering, detecting, exacerbating dense discomfort with infinite sky ebony. Punch of pain, flash of fear, calcified cranium.

Rumbling ruminations burning away, smoke plumes swirling out his nostrils like dancing snakes of vapor. Hop on thought fumes and ride them out of head, leave carnate body to navigate its own pain of plenty. Architect of self-care, flight from body by surfing on exiting brainwaves. Nostrils like cave openings with hanging vegetation as he distanced himself from himself.

Piloting escaped thoughts, maneuverability magic while in flight. Grasping corners of his thoughts like control toggles on a parachute. Plummeting towards asphalt. Steering airborne thoughts. Descending to rumination runway. Think exhaust whispering past in a gentle hiss through chilly night air. Pensive pistons glided down like falling feathers from shotgun-blasted pheasant.

Air Traffic Cerebration-Control, guided landing. Eyeballing upwards, angry abandoned body stood. Enlarged eyeballs like white scrunched up socks with flies for pupils, swollen, shocked, vacated by owner. Growling gust of winding wind, thoughts of thoughts curtained. Pain away, exposed thoughts he pondered were now vulnerable to the elements. Runway of scattered thoughts left unprotected. Runway runaway ruminations raced for shelter.

Windshield's surface, web of fractured glass, shattered, scattered across the dashboard. Fractured forehead floating. Blood-splattered steering wheel. Throbbing cracked cranium spinning like a tire in snow. Surrounding swirling vortex, crimson chromatics and shouts of sorrow. Like peeking through a honey frame, visibility vacuum, sight of fright. Watercolor painting showered with paint thinner, reality blurred. Ghosts in black dresses perform perfect pirouettes. Gushing gash on forehead. Left shoulder pain, seatbelt melded into clavicle. Searing heat steeped shoulder, like a curling iron pressed into flesh. Sirens of pain, visions of blur, fluid fear, tomorrow threatened.