Rude communications professor
I’m a communications major but this is my second degree from UTSA and I’m in my 30’s so bear with me. One of my classes is an asynchronous upper division class that seems pretty ok from the jump. Syllabus is decent, two options for final, material is easy to understand. Not too bad right?
This professor is probably the most condescending yet constantly overly-communicative one I’ve ever had here. She made joining GroupMe a requirement which I’m fine with. But she goes off on her students when they have questions. She flew to DC in the middle of the semester and if she was answering a message she would say things like “I’m packing right now so I need you to answer my question” or “office hours are open today but I’m in a hotel with my mom and daughter so it’l be a little hectic” or “I’ve been flying for 10 hours I don’t know why folks don’t get it” No one cares about your personal life or your flight information. And when someone has a question about a Canvas error or assignment that’s due but the lecture and notes are still locked she is so unhelpful and talks down to us like we’re stupid.
AND my first assignment due was a paper, APA format, all that good stuff and I thought I did really well. I was thorough, intellectual, concise and used my resources well. She knocked off 6 points because it was too long and detailed ??? There was no mention of page/word count limits so I feel like that’s not very fair. I wrote 6 pages including the cover and reference page. I don’t feel like that’s going overboard for a junior level college course especially when the directions themselves are 2 pages long. And she argued with me on MY OWN opinions I stated in my paper.
This professor is a pain and she doesn’t provide actual feedback she just argues with you, injects her own narrative in your paper about you, brings too much of her personal issues into her job and blows up GroupMe because she poorly explains things and then doesn’t want questions back.