Want to give a final salute

It saddens me to say that we lost a brother to his demons last Sunday. His funeral is Tuesday and I’m thinking I want to give him a final salute, I knew him since high school. Now I’m drunk on a barstool, needing help figuring out what uniform and what regulations I need to be in so I can give him a proper send off. I EAS’d 8 years ago, I don’t remember the uniforms or regulations, I never wanted to wear them again. But this is hitting me different and I want to honor him. If I do wear a uniform, am I supposed to shave or can I keep my beard? Which uniform do I wear and what are the measurements supposed to be on the ribbons/badges? I’m on short time, have to pull them out of storage as well as iron them and shine the coriframs (or however they’re spelt, I’m fuckin drunk)

On another note, brothers and sisters, if you’re in need please don’t think there’s only one way out. We must hold strong together