24 with a masters degree and completely given up with getting a job.
More of a rant than anything but the job market in this country is a complete shit show and is grinding me down.
I graduated in 2022 with a masters degree in creative writing that was heavily industry based. Since then I have had 3 interviews from roughly 300 applications, which isn’t a lot considering the time period but i had to take time off to care for a family member straight after graduating. Since then, every application and interview I have had has gone horribly, my last interview was a for a junior role for a pretty big company and I just shit the bed for that. I am getting rejected or ghosted by every application and I just don’t know what to do anymore.
I have had CV advice, it has been looked at by multiple people and I have been told it’s good, I just don’t get what’s going wrong. I have been rejected from volunteer work to build some skills and experience, I have been straight up rejected by WHSmiths for 12 hour weeks and every sector that is to do with my degree has said I lack the experience or qualifications even though I have both. I hate this market so much and my options are so limited now, I feel like a complete failure. Any one have any advice or just stories about succeeding after a long time to cheer me up a bit.
EDIT: Few things I wanted to omit from the original post as I wasn’t too comfortable with sharing too much and was more of a rant, but for advice will be more helpful.
Yes, I’m fully aware Creative Writing is not the greatest degree career wise, but it was something I wanted to do personally and to work with some great people. It also came with a position as part of the uni journal as a poetry editor so I gained direct experience from that, albeit it very niche experience.
I have not been fully unemployed for the full two years, I was a carer for a family member for around 10 months after graduation where I was needed 50/60 hours a week.
I have Autism and ADHD, so I tend to take things fairly bluntly and at face value which does not help, but I am trying to use resources related to them such as Scope for job advice and mentoring.
Edit 2:
I am applying for every job I can that I can realistically do - not just to do with my degree. Kinda skipped over this because I was angry I got rejected again from minimum wage retail again.
Last edit:
To everyone, getting on about the degree. Look I get it, creative writing has always been seen as a bit of a luxury degree. The ONLY reason I chose this specific course at a specific uni was because it covered in great detail how to get career based upon writing. Half of the course was directly focused on copy writing, editing, proofreading, publishing and CV skills and cover letter writing. Alongside this, I had was working for the university journal which is first hand work experience in that field.
Also have some of you people genuinely not seen any other post on this sub, most recent graduates are struggling to get anything with ANY degree. Every degree has transferable skills to a wide range of job sectors. THE ISSUE IS THE JOB MARKET.
I just made this post to get advice and some words of encouragement from people who were i similar boats, i only stated the name of my degree because if I didn’t I’d get told “how can we help if we don’t know what your degree is”.
It’s genuinely sickening how much this country hates people who want to be creative considering we’re famous worldwide for Shakespeare, the Beatles, so much literature it’ll be pointless to even list it and film.
Yeah cool it’s not the highest paying sector, but who do you think writes every TV show, Every film, every book and every game that you consume solely for your pleasure. It’s not AI.
Thank you to people to actually gave advice it is much appreciated and I’ve took a lot on board.
FYI, the last 3 interviews I had all said the creative writing degree was beneficial and was a factor in why I was selected over other candidates so please educate yourself on what some degrees actually involve.
My BA was English Lit, my Creative Writing course had a much higher employment rate than average, didn’t realise creative writing was such a shit degree in most people’s eyes, I have worked before, I have paid taxes at points in time, I have worked freelance since uni but that is shite, no degree is a waste do whatever you want to do, and the job market is horrendous and no my CV is not focused on my MA. I am aware this is mostly a me issue and is just my experience Good night x