I found a horrible channel called Kyplanet

All he does from what I’ve seen is complain about “there’s no habitable exoplanets that we know of” Kepler-22b, a good chunk of the Trappist system, Kepler 186f and those are just the famous ones I can name off the top of my head. We’ve discovered over 5,000 exoplanets at this point and saying not even one is habitable is pure lunacy and in a short they said Europa can’t life because it might, key word MIGHT not have hydrothermal vents and when someone correctly pointed out that Europa experiences tidal heating this guy went and said “tidal heating energy isn’t usable energy”. HUH?! At least provide evidence on why you think that but they probably couldn’t because their only evidence is most likely “because I said so”. What makes it even worse though is that the original title for the there are no known habitable exoplanets video was there are no habitable exoplanets and they only changed the title after the backlash for clickbaiting their audience. They also have a MASSIVE hate boner for Proxima b. Like they always say “Proxima b’s host star has stripped the planet of its water and atmosphere if it even had one”. Like what did Proxima b do to you?! Seriously they can go on and on about how great Earth is but hisses at the fact that Proxima b exists like that planet shot their dog. He also goes and says that “Jupiter doesn’t protect Earth from asteroids” because god forbid a ball of gas yoinks a comet or asteroid that could potentially cause a mass extinction on Earth. He has also recently made a clickbait video about life on the Moon which only talked about animals that were put on the Moon and most likely died soon after. He also did so many mental gymnastics about Trappist-1c trying to say that it either has no atmosphere and bright rocks or a thin atmosphere and bright rock when the evidence points towards a thick atmosphere composed mainly of steam. Not to mention that he doesn’t mention his sources which most people in his fan base seem to be fine with. And not to mention the drama that you stir up if you dare to post a post criticizing Kyplanet on the Space subreddit. I did this once and one guy saying that I couldn’t criticize channels I didn’t like which was a fancy way of saying “DoN’T lIkE iT dOn’T wAtCh iT” and when I explained to this person how criticism works in a pretty nice manner they tried to say that they were criticizing my behavior and I got mad at them. One again, HUH?! If you’re the guy that made that comment you showed that you can’t take criticism against Kyplanet, I explained to you how criticism worked, and you tried to make a gotcha reply which only showed that you can’t take criticism against yourself and don’t get it twisted there’s no hate for you in my heart, only disappointment. There was a guy who said that we’ve only found inhospitable gas giants but thankfully he did his research after another good reply told him that we found more than just gas giants and the guy that made the gas giant comment found a Wikipedia article listing 67 potentially habitable exoplanets. Back on track Kyplanet and his fans use “planets don’t need to be habitable to be interesting” to the point where it’s essentially a buzz word or in this case a buzz sentence. The worst part is I can get behind this statement but the fanbase of Kyplanet as well as Kyplanet himself use this phrase to the point of redundancy. Hell one comment on Kyplanets exoplanet myths debunked video (which is pretty bad but not clickbait level bad) that essentially said that all people that aren’t hardcore space enthusiasts or aren’t subscribed to Kyplanet or god forbid watch science fiction movies and tv shows because they find that universe cool or read a science fiction book because they find that universe cool or just casually look at space related things because they think space is cool think that all exoplanets are like Star Wars planets with aliens in stereotypical UFOs that come for people on the toilet at 3 A.M. A comment like that can drive people away from interacting with other people in the space community because you guessed it. People don’t like communities full of people who have their head so far up their own ass that they think that their opinion is better than everyone else’s and are a massive circle jerk. And of course you have the “mEdIa bAd” comments who don’t know that the media tends to exaggerate things. So if you’re one of those people allow me to explain it to you. The media doesn’t lie. It exaggerates or embellishes things to make the truth more exiting. Let’s take J1407b as an example. Sure an article about a brown dwarf with a protoplanetary disk would get clicks but not the desired amount of clicks. But a “Saturn on Steroids” article would gain more clicks than the desired amount. That wasn’t the media deliberately trying to spread misinformation. It was the media exaggerating things which unfortunately lead to some people spreading misinformation. In conclusion: if you want to know more about space look to NASA’s website but if you wanna use YouTube for that use Melody Sheep or Sciencephile for get space facts as they’re objectively better than Kyplanet.