Just an FYI, god is real
Not in the Christian or Muslim sense (maybe Jewish idk - [same dude I know but] not taking any chances); but like there is a creative power responsible for the universe and existence.
Just got around to the eps about all these ziz/AI/eacc/rationalist etc nerds and their bullshit and it's just so anti-human (&thus anti-god). I understand striving for perfection and being better, but the former is literally precluded by a divine being, and they completely sidestep (& tbh nullify) the latter with their techno bullshit.
Idk why I felt compelled to post this, but this shit just pisses me off so much. Oh the ai's gonna be pissed you didn't help it bc that's actually god - no! It's not. Multiverse, simulation, whatever who cares; the creator of the universe doesn't give a shit. We're human beings gifted with souls regardless, and the only imperative is to be kind and help your fellow travelers however you can.
Brace is right that most people understand this inherently. I'm sure we've got plenty neurodivergent / on the spectrum people here, but if you're on this sub you're miles ahead of these freaks.
I realize I'm posting this out of hate for these people (an anti-human / anti-god emotion), but to paraphrase M Christman - as cringe as it is love is the answer. Love your friends, love your neighbors, love your significant other if ya got one, love humanity and its messiness as best you can.
Fwiw I'm a Buddhist, I try to live by the precepts and believe in reincarnation, samsara, eternal recurrence, et al. But most of all i believe that we're all one & (not to proselytize the gospels but) the greatest commandment is to love thy neighbor as thyself, because you are your neighbor. The self is an illusion and at the end of the (eternal) day, we are one.
Idk, I'm gay my dick is small & I've been drinking.