My predictions for this album

Given the general opinion of this sub that the rollout is trash, and the skepticism over the quality of the released singles. I've had a lot of thoughts about how this album will turn out.

Firstly, this rollout is UNPRECEDENTEDLY BAD from Abel, he's NEVER had us this confused prior to dropping an album. The themes and visuals of the singles are all over the place. I've no reason to believe that he's all of a sudden lost all his musical genius, talent and creativity. Even the Idol's soundtrack was incredible. So this is unprecedented and extremely out of place from him.

I predict that DITF will have an extended or remixed version on the album that will sound way better. The other 2 singles (Sao Paulo and Timeless) are very likely not part of the album given how extremely different they sound and how thematically out of place they are with EVERY OTHER SONG we've heard him perform from the new album. (They also have these weird masks on the single covers which we've not seen anywhere else)

I also predict that Wake Me Up, Open Hearts, Take Me Back to LA will be the the post-release singles that will do incredible numbers and be insanely popular.

I also predict that the real promo for the album will be done post-release, kind of like what he did with After Hours. It also makes sense seeing how the movie will be released much later too and is very related to the album.

Edit: Some people have called me delusional so I'll add this one last prediction to really seal the deal: The movie will be very good and show us Abel's true acting abilities.