Do you care when subs sit at your desk?
I had to move mid year, so I picked up a building sub job until we are settled. Yesterday, I was in for a whole day for a teacher who didn’t have much on their schedule/a lot of students are absent.
She came back in during the middle of the day and said she was done with her meetings, and that I could leave (fine.)
I had my coat on her chair, and I was sitting at her desk. I began to close my laptop and grab my bag and coat and she stood there visibly annoyed she had to wait for me to grab my stuff. She sighed at me! Twice!
I have never cared when a sub sat at my desk, because where else would they sit? I didn’t make a mess, I simply had my computer out and my coat hung up.
Did I intrude? Normally this doesn’t bother me but she seemed so impatient with me she could’ve tapped her foot.