Help with PKHex, JKSV, and Emunand.

I have a digital copy of pokemon violet on my emunand. My sysnand does not have any digital games on it.

I extracted the pokemon violet "main" save using JKSV. I then used PKHex to give myself an item, exported the new "main", and then used JKSV to restore it to my pokemon violet.

However when I booted up the game, the save file is still the same as before the modification. (Ie, it's as if I never imported the new save).

I've seen a few other posts with a similar issue, and the most plausible response was to use JKSV save restore on the sysnand cfw instead. However as mentioned, I only have the copy of the game on my emunand.

What can I do in this case to actually allow my emunand copy to update its save?