My skin hates me, I'm miserable

I'm roughly 380 lbs or so, I haven't weighed in awhile. As the title states, my skin is so angry. I have been diagnosed with HS (hidrenitis suppurativa) which is at this point manageable, I do get recurring abcesses that are painful and drain. But what is causing me the most issues are under my breasts, under my belly fold, and my thigh creases. It gets hot and wet which then turns into an ANGRY red rash that iches, stings, burns and gets weepy. Sometimes has an off smell.

I've tried so many different things. Clotrimazole cream, miconizole cream and powder, Nystatin, bacitracin, Dove antibacterial body wash, store brand medicated powder, Zeazorb, liners and Interdry (neither stay in place and the feeling of fabric in my under belly fold drives me insane), OTC anti itch cream, Aquafor, zinc oxide products. I've tried Hibiclens which I don't know if I could afford to keep buying. I've tried all of these and more. I've tried layering these products. The powders clump up. I've used a hair dryer to make sure it's all dry after a shower.

I'm on a fixed income, my pharmacy is now refusing to cover the Clotrimazole I've gotten for a year and a half. I can't afford to keep trying products that don't help.

Please...what can I do?