What happens if I don’t make the minimum payment?
I’m very new to repaying student loans. My first repayment isn’t until November, and I’m weighing out my options. I (22f) would have graduated in spring of ‘25 with a BSW but found out I was pregnant in January. Because of this my husband went from reserves to active duty and we moved states. My college doesn’t offer the BSW online so I had to drop out. I initially had a full ride, only pay room and board. I lived on campus for 2 years and now have $22k in student debt from housing and meal plans. Since my husband is military, we are able to budget and afford for me to stay home. The only problem is money is tight as is, we physically don’t have enough to make an extra $230/month payment. Thanks to some judges, I can’t apply for an IDR online, I have to physically fill out a form and mail/fax/scan and email it in to my loan servicer. Baby is due on 9/6, so I’m trying to get it done beforehand. If I’m unable to, or I don’t get approved for it, what will happen if I don’t make the minimum payments but still pay on the loan itself? I’ve tried emailing and calling but have only gotten automated responses. As it stands, our financial situation does qualify us for government assistance like WIC, so that will give you a little idea on our finances lol We own our home thanks to VA loans and live below our means, but my name is on the title and I don’t want to just not pay at all and lose my house and tank my husband’s credit. I actually want to pay off my debt, I just don’t know how. If I get a job, we’ll have to pay for childcare which we all know is incredibly expensive, especially for infants. Any and all advice is welcome 🫶🏻