Christmas Eve and Santa

Every other year, SD13 is with us for Christmas morning. This year, we have her from day school is out until Christmas Eve at 10pm. Meaning she won’t be there for her “Santa” gifts Christmas morning. Our son together is now 4 and understands the concept of Santa, and we will be around his cousins on Christmas Eve so he will know that’s the night that Santa is coming. SD13 wants to do Santa before she leaves to go to BMs house. I would like to keep it on Christmas morning as I am off work that day, and I just like to keep things traditional and have a normal slow Christmas morning. It sucks for SD13 that she will have to wait to see what Santa brought her, but also will be having it at BMs house that day, so I don’t feel that bad.

What do y’all do if you have kids of your own and a SK that is with you every other year? I’m not trying to be crappy about it, but it’s making me feel crappy that I’m putting my own kid first and making SD13 wait until she comes back home on the 31st.