Jade Industries FOS - Forward Observation Ship - Steele Staryards Build Request

The Forward Observation Ship (FOS or "FOZ" by the crew) is an exploration and reconnaissance ship.

A special feature of the FOS is its S-D 23 autonomous recon drone. The S-D 23 is used to scout ahead of the FOS when exploring new territory. The S-D 23 can also be outfitted with a wide array of weapons to act as an escort.

Notes: went through a few different types of ships for this Challenge. Side by side, aircraft carrier, escape pods. I settled for a small drone since that seemed to be the easiest to incorporate without becoming to complex. I hope this meets the requirements and standards for Steele Staryards.

Host: u/ChaseSteele0077 Challenge Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteeleStaryards/s/lHnKsRHzal