Seeing spirits/ guides as orbs?

Hello everyone - I will keep this short to maintain interest.

I have been seeing orbs that do not track with my eyes (I.e eye floaters) on and off for about 3 years. They first came to me when I have my preliminary spiritual awakening. I go through long bouts of depression and they tend to dissipate during these times. Recently, a lot has been going on in my life (not necessarily negative) and I find during times of heightened emotion, zenned out state, or when I’m doing meaningful activities they appear. They are usually bright blue orbs, sometimes white, sometimes red and sometimes even black. I sense that they are my guides or some divine guidance however I wanted input/ other experiences to be shared.

The only other thing this could be is the fact I am having some anxiety troubles, but they appear to me during seemingly meaningful times. For example when I journal, read. When I’m with family. Even when I have a negative thought, at times I will see the dark orb. It feels as if their colours have significance. Part of me wants to believe I’m crazy but I am not - I have my share of trauma and mental health issues but I am a functioning member of society. I am a registered nurse, and I see orbs a lot when I am being of service to others, especially when aligned with a genuine caring energy.

Thoughts? Input? I had posted about this about 4 years ago as well and did not get the best responses. My eyes are good people!