Suggestion: Big thing Smite 2 is missing

Predefined custom builds...

The suggested ones are ok but I think this would be great for people that have moved beyond those, and don't want to have to worry about it once in the match.

ie. In on the gods screen, the ability to have a role-based 1-per-character custom build. You define the ability levelling progression and set up auto-buy for items. And if in the future anything changes, you get a little popup on login saying "please note one or more of your custom builds has changed" or smth like that.

I think this would be really useful for people newer to the game, or simply players that know exactly what they're going for regardless of the match-up each time.

And for those not wanting it, it would have 0 impact whatsoever, so isn't something that should offend you as a suggestion.

It would also allow more inexperienced players to keep an eye on the action, while waiting for respawn, to get a better idea of what's going on.