Is Double Cleansing Necessary for Tinted Moisturizer and Color Correctors? [Routine Help]

For context I'm a guy who doesn't wear make-up at all outside of occasional tinted moisturizer and the Hero Cosmetics color-correcting balm (the green one and apricot one) for my acne marks and blemishes when they seem really prominent.

However I'm seeing a lot of people starting to incorporate an oil-cleanser for removing their sunscreen and make-up and I was wondering if I may benefit from doing so also. I've never felt as if I had any noticeable reside after washing my face but I've also never tried double cleansing to tell the difference.

The incorporation of the the tinted moisturizer and color correcting creams recently is what is making me question if I would benefit from double cleansing. I used to only use a lightweight moisturizer and the CeraVe ultralightweight lotion spf 30, but I recently started adding the tinted moisturizer spf 15 over my suncreen along with the Hero cosmetic color creams to help cover my PIE and discoloration.

I do feel like I'm noticing a few more whiteheads than usual (which could be attributed to anything) but my skin doesn't seem to be significantly worse than it already was. Also my cleanser (Cetaphil Hydrating Creamy Foam cleanser) says that it also removes make-up so I was curious if I needed another cleanser.

So I was wondering if anyone had any personal experience with incorporating a double cleanser and what they thought.

TL;DR - Guy who doesn't wear make-up, recently started using tinted moisturizer and color correcting creams over sunscreen to cover acne marks. Wondering if I should start double cleansing. Already using facial cleanser that says it can also remove make-up.