Helena’s severance procedure wasn’t a PR stunt, it’s necessary for Lumon’s mission
I think I’m onto something here after reading some other theories about Mark being Gemma’s refiner.
What we know so far: Credible S1 theory: Mark S’ freshman fluke first quarter was refining Gemma, and he never repeated such a successful quarter.
S2E1: Mark S is absolutely hauling ass on his current assignment, and he’s already >50% in refining Gemma for a second time.
Given that it’s likely you are more successful at refining people you are close to, who better to refine the dead Eagans than an Eagan? If Helena’s severance procedure wasn’t just for PR, she could have just gone in for a day for pictures, and definitely wouldn’t need to stay past her self harm moments. And why put her in MDR instead of a cozier department? Why put Helly through the break room if her outie is essentially royalty? The torture is necessary for the refining process, and she’s necessary for refining Eagans.
This also raises a secondary question as to who the hell is Dylan refining to be getting all those perks, lol.