My Dad
Hello, my mom and dad were born in Glasgow Scotland my mother in 1938 and father 1936. I grew up listening to the stories of the old country.I was mesmerized and could listen for hours. I am in the US. My parents came to the US in the 1950s. The gossip is that my grandfather ran guns during WW11 therefore earning the money to come over. My father was a hockey player and was even in the Olympics his nic name was Flash Logan. When he came to the US he played hockey still and founded a little semi pro team named the LA Bruins.
The reason I am writing is because I was hoping there might be someone who would like to chat once a week or so.O want to hear more stories and share ours. I want to learn how I can find out more about my family. Not a long term commitment. Kind of a pen pal type relationship. I would greatly appreciate it.