Any reason not to get Home Depot / Rheem water softener?

I need a new water softener. I've done a lot of research including reading Aquatell's ultimate guide (

I concluded for my water hardness (20 gpg) and household (2 people, <= 150 gallons/day) I want a 32k grain system, and the higher the efficiency (grains / lb) the better.

My options are:

  • Home Depot / Rheem one - $400
    • 2340 - 4940 grains/lb according to the manual
    • .88 cubic feet of resin
  • Aquasure Harmony - $500
    • 2660 - 3555 grains/lb
    • 1 cubic feet of resin
  • Various Fleck 5600SXT models - $750
    • Lots of different retailers selling these systems
    • 1 cubic feet of resin
    • Can't find any info on grains/lb across any of the sellers

I'm struggling to see why I shouldn't go with the Rheem one, and regenerate it frequently in smaller batches to get the higher grains/lb efficiency and save money on salt. The only things holding me back are the slightly small resin capacity and the fact that Fleck seems better regarded. I can't find any specs for grains/lb for the Fleck ones so I'm having a hard time justifying the almost 2X as much cost. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!