I just realized how Whitebeard impregnated Buckingham Stussy

Edward Newgate also known as Whitebeard is rumored to have had a son with Buckingham Stussy. But how could this be possible, how would whitebeards 2 foot long penis fit inside 2 foot tall stussy? This doesn't make sense. Well I figured it out.

So whitebeard first started jerking it and got erect, and then stussy used her hands to widen her pussy. Whitebeard then continued jerking and when he felt close, he aimed his long shlong and tried ejaculated straight into stussy's pussy.

Since whitebeard probably jizzed gallons, even if he missed his aim at first and drenched stussy in cum from head to toe, he would still have time to adjust aim and successfully send his semen inside her.

Now how stussy managed to give birth to whitebeards son (who will be massive at birth already), Idk.

I know all this because oda revealed it in an sbs.