Running pf2e as a survival game

I'm currently planning on running a survival style game. Any tips I should know? be it some niche rule, a homebrew, APs i can steal from, or just good resource?

Things I'm planning on doing for now:

  • Making rations last a day instead of a week so that there's more incentive to use subsist or spells or items because of the sheer bulk
  • Using Battlezoo bestiary's "Monster Parts" system (at least for the bulk and the values) again, so that bulk management is more important
  • Using Create food as reference for how much creatures eat (in case my players decide to bring in non-minion creatures as pack animal)
  • Stamina rules but make resolve point only recoverable on a settlement (still iffy on this one) so that there's still some "should we fight this guy or is it not worth it" even if it's not exactly an extreme encounter

Is there anything else i should do/know? or maybe references? Thank you in advance!