Officially 60 days off oxy today
In the 8 years I’ve been addicted to pharma oxy, I’ve only made it this long without using one other time so I’m pretty proud of myself. My last withdrawal was October to December ~55 days but I was still using once every couple weeks so it wasn’t truly clean, I just wasn’t going into acute each use.
This time I finally said I’ve had it with needing oxy to function, be social, excel at work etc. I still don’t feel “normal” but at this point I don’t know if I remember normal as something different than it really was. My anxiety is still at 9/10.
Has anyone experienced insane anxiety long after acute and tried an ssri with success?
I’m hitting the gym hard, which I think has been the major reason I feel better at 60 days than I did at 90 days when I did my longest stretch without oxy. Which was in 2019.
Anyways thanks everyone for posting success stories, it’s part of what got me thru the worst days. Knowing others are in the same situation made me feel less alone since my spouse, family and friends didn’t know of my use.