[F4A] High Fantasy Within!

Hi all! I’m gonna format this rounds of ads a little differently!

  • About me: I’m Desu! 28, parent of two, got a job, a spouse, a house and all of the fun things that make me crave escapism sometimes. That’s all I share of myself normally. I do like keeping church and state separate so to say despite really wanting a friend just as I do a co-writer out of this. I hope that makes sense!

  • My writing: I write multi-para/adv lit/novella.. whatever the cool kids are calling it these days. I average about 5-8 solid paragraphs on average. Sometimes I can fill up two or three nitro messages. Really, I try to make a conscious effort to mirror my partner and not dip below 3-4 paragraphs. If you’re someone who prefers to do quick 1-2 paragraph replies on average I fear I may not be the partner for you! I write in third person past tense exclusively I will not write with anyone who has to write in first person. It just feels yucky reading that pov. I’m sorry but it isn’t me.

  • My time: So, on Thursday - Sunday I can reply back pretty often. I’ll be replying instantly if I’m free if I’m really absorbed in the story. I’m really searching for someone pretty active throughout the day. More often than not I’m picking up extra shifts during my off days (Mon-Wed) and can chat then too. My evenings are mostly reserved for my kids and spouse so my activity dies down then. Otherwise, I am veeeery active OOC and love to chat. You can’t ever send me enough messages or memes or vids or tiktoks!

  • The setting: I’m seeking out high fantasy mostly. I have a D&D adjacent homebrew world I’ve been working on and have fallen in love with. It’s what I want to write the most.

  • The genres: Slice of life, romance, action, adventure, mystery, thriller and similar genres that might fit around or in between those mentioned within a high fantasy setting are all on the table. :)

To paraphrase it all, here’s a simple list of yays and nays!

  • Big YES: High fantasy, homebrew, action, romance, adventure, OC’s, slice of life, thriller, active OOC, memes, Pinterest boards, TikTok’s, adv lit, novella, multi paragraph, D&D, communication, fast and active posting, 2-5+ posts daily, gothic fantasy (low priority), fandoms (very low priority, mostly anime/gaming fandoms)

  • Big NO: Modern or IRL adjacent of ANY variety, self insert OC’s, transactional RP with no communication, 1-3 posts a week