What item do I ditch for Yun Tal?
Important disclaimer: I am pretty much an ARAM only player and even then dont get Nilah that often. Regardless, with the Yun Tal changes I wanted to try it on Nilah. Now, my usual build before was: Collector, IE, Mortal Reminder, Quickblades. I decided not to buy Mortal Reminder because currently only few champs get a lot of armor, Nilah gets enough Armor Pen at enough crit and Amor Pen looses efficiency when stacked.
Tested those 2 builds in practice tool afterwards, (at 4 items) the Mortal Reminder build only starts to make more DPS when the target has 330+ Armor.
In another game a friend suggested to ditch Quickblades for Yun Tal, probably netting me more DPS while loosing utility.
Now on this sub Ive seen some share the sentiment that Collector and IE for different reasons arent that effective on Nilah.
So now the question is: between Collector, IE, Mortal Reminder, Yun Tal and Quickblades, what combination of those 4 do you reckon are the best?