Is Denmark a good place to progress in life, if you make the effort to integrate and stay?
Hi all,
Myself and my partner are considering moving to Denmark, Copenhagen specifically. We are EU citizens, and currently live in Scotland where it surprisingly is darker in the winter, and the weather is similar.
Funny enough, Edinburgh is actually close in price to Denmark and although Copenhagen is still pricey, I feel like you have more local buying power in Denmark vs The UK.
These are two problems that would swing people away from Denmark, but honestly we are used to cold, dark and expensive so that’s not a problem for us. Besides that, there are a lot of pros I can see with Denmark, and from my research it feels like there is a societal safety net in Denmark that seems to work if you put in the effort.
I’m 30 and although I have experience in the working world, I never went to University. It would be nice to consider it one day should I want to change my professional route. My partner is well educated, and would also like to potentially pursue a masters at some point.
Now I’m not saying we are going to go back to University or not, but this is an example that is relevant to the question I’m asking. Do you think that Denmark has opportunity to become a better version of yourself?
We understand that moving here, we would have to start over in many aspects and may not get the jobs we want initially, but coming into my 30s I’m starting to think it would be a lovely place to grow and maybe start a family one day.
What’s your opinion, and how has Denmark helped you?