What do you fight for?

Hey all! I’m actually a kickboxer that just lurks on here. Always been interested in muay thai however my work schedule conflicts with the muay thai timetable at my gym so i’ve settled with kickboxing.

I have been training consistently for a year now as my first ever combat sport, sparred technically the last 6 months and most recently the last 2-3 months have gotten into more heavier sparring. When i first gotten into the sport I told myself it was for fitness but as i’ve progressed quicker than i anticipated, i started realising i think i could maybe have a amateur fight.

My coaches asked me recently what my goals were and i said i’d like to work towards a fight. They said i work hard, im coachable and i have a good attitude but they want me to attend more heavy sparring sessions and go on from there.

To he honest im 31 this year and i almost feel like this is my now or never chance to have a fight before my body deteriorates with age. I’m not sure why i want to fight but i think its just a personal goal to put myself through it, test myself and accomplish something. However i dont expect to take it any further than that just because im a bit older now with very young kids. Although i do suspect once ive had a taste for it that i will want more!

My question is to everyone is why do you fight, what do you fight for and what do you want to gain out of it?