Ugh .. what now?

Today I told my daughter(11) to go upstairs and get her dirty laundry. All she had to do was grab the bag and bring it downstairs. It was taking a while, I went upstairs and she had my vibrator in her hand. When I asked her why, she said she didn't know. I asked her if she knew what it was for, and she said no. I told her it was my s$& toy and she needed to go wash her hands immediately. She said that was gross. We have had the period talk, she knows where babies come from(but not how they are made), and she knows her personal parts are off limits to others(until she's Has this happened to anyone else? This is the first time(and hopefully the last) she will touch it. Hubby said I overreacted and shouldn't have told her what it was. I want to edit to add that it was in the bottom of my nightstand drawer, so she dug through the nightstand to find it