Are attacks ever truly random, or are there always triggers involved?

I have tracked my attacks before and found a few triggers, though most are out of my control. A few don’t always trigger vertigo, so it’s kind of useless information anyway. I also went months without an attack two years ago while engaging in every trigger. Now I get attacks frequently even though I’m doing everything right.

The thing is, whenever I get an attack, everyone I talked to about it asks what I did to cause it. They say that it’s so debilitating for me bc I don’t track anything, as if I haven’t tried that before. I truly feel like my attacks are completely random sometimes, or there are so many factors at play that I’ll never know. Even knowing some triggers, if I avoid them, I’ll be miserable anyway.

It makes me feel even more alone when I get blamed for causing my attacks. I don’t even have the motivation at this point to track anything because they will happen regardless and there’s too any things at play. I also read that there is actually no evidence that things like low salt actually prevent attacks, though I know a lot of ppl say it helps. I am a very logical person so it’s really frustrating not having strong evidence for much regarding this disease.

Can anyone give insight or relate? Am I just being stubborn or self-pitying?