First time using a dark brown lip liner!

So I've always used a mauve or pinky brown lip liner but have wanted to try the dark brown lip liner with nude lipstick look sooo bad, so thought I'd try it for my look tonight!

Really appreciate any feedback on my makeup if you have any but specifically my lip liner application. First time with this so I don't know if it looks too stark or messy, or if it looks okay?

all answers are super appreciated and happy new year's eve! 🫶🏽🤎

Product list: Too Faced Born this Way matte foundation in Warm Beige Too Faced Born this Way concealer in Golden Beige ABH brow pencil in dark brown
Fenty cream blush in Rose Latte Fenty highlighter in Pretty Purlz Fenty lip liner in I Woodn't Fenty gloss bomb stix in Fenty Glow Infinaluxe false lashes