A new bot loadout: Gas Dog

So hear me out. With the new upgrade to the Gas Dog I decided I wanted to give it try on the bot front and found something that worked surprisingly well. This is never going to be meta and it's not the easiest to play.

The main tools here are the gas dog, torcher primary, and the arch thrower support weapon. Shoot the bots with the arch thrower to stun them from a distance until you're close enough to gas and torch them. The torcher cooks all bots surprisingly quickly, and the gas renders them nearly harmless. I used heavy armor with explosive resistance for survivability. The purifier pistol works well for the sidearm and thermites for your throwable. This frees up 2 strategems of your choice. Your biggest threats at this point are gunships, tanks, and striders. Hopefully your team can help clean them up.

I've rocked 4 missions difficulty 7-10 with various success. I've had a number of teammates follow me in and I play crowd control and they get to clean up.