The Real Political Divide: Imposers vs. Liberators

The traditional left vs. right spectrum is misleading. It distracts from the true political divide: those who impose vs. those who believe in freedom.

There are only two real categories:

  1. Imposers → People who force their vision of the "right" way to live on others.

Left-wing imposers: Socialists, progressives, woke activists—want to enforce "economic justice," redistribution, and political correctness.

Right-wing imposers: Nationalists, theocrats, fascists—want to enforce "traditional values," borders, and nationalism.

LibLeft impos(t)ers: Pretend to support freedom but still force collectivism and social rules.

  1. Liberators → People who believe in voluntary interactions and freedom.

True libertarians (AnCaps, Minarchists, free-market advocates).

No forced collectivism, no forced hierarchy—just voluntary exchange and self-ownership.

People succeed or fail based on their own choices, without/less state interference.