If you are doing Clash this weekend, please consider helping me out with doing research into Esports/Clash performance!
Hey! I am a psychology master student at the University of Groningen doing research into esports and specifically League of Legends. I am trying to figure out what type of league players tend to win games during events such as Clash. For this I need people to fill in a short 5-10 minute questionnaire after their Clash games. So if people are willing to help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! I am even using my student loan money to provide some RP to giveaway among the participants at the end of it!:D
Link to survey: https://rug.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8AGIqbW5hrmA5hQ
Thank you and good luck Clashing today!:D
Also if you have any questions about my research, feel free to respond or send me a pm on here or on discord and I will happily talk about it:) Eragnor#0697
EDIT: Thanks a bunch guys! From just today posting on this reddit I managed to double the responses I managed to gather over the last month!! <33