My own rant: sorry 😞

Just feeling a but down ladies and gents. Father passed away last night and I woke up this morning to a text from my now Ex-girlfriend stating she no longer wants to see me anymore. Been a crazy few days keep me in your thoughts please. πŸ™ I don't think I've felt this alone in a long time... but gotta suck it up and push through I guess remain strong for my mother and siblings.

Uodate: I want to start by thanking so amny of you for reaching out and davening for my family and I, you're a truly wonderful community. As for sitting Shiva my father and mother's Shul is here at their house now. ~25 persons showed up today and I'm sure are expected to continue to stop by very friendly people here in TX. Having just moved here from CA it's very warming. While I may not have my own shul here from CA I appreciate them very much and wanted to share what my father's Rabbi told me today that it is important to remember and perhaps in my jaded state I had forgotten. Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers):

Do not separate yourself from the community" (Pirkei Avot 2:5).

This reminds us that in times of pain or loss, it’s important to lean on others for support and to offer that same support in return. Community and connection can help lighten the burden, even when it feels unbearable.

Again thank you all for everything I appreciate you all.