Oops. He followed me home. 😬😂

So, I've been steadfastly ignoring Pumpkin Bart. I didn't need him, he was too seasonal, I like Halloween but I'm not a fanatic, I have the Barts I need, etc. Had absolutely no interest in him.

Problem is, I found him IRL. And one particularly sweet and well-formed face (I'm a face gal) stood out among the others on the shelf. And he reached out his little arm to me, asking to be picked up. He snuggled under my chin. I gave his big tubby punkin belly a squeeze. And he's got that brand-new Bart softness that some of my snugglers have lost.

I let him sit on my lap while we picked through the jelly coffee mug display. He helped me choose the best one. Then we started back to the Halloween shelf to put him back. But then he whimpered quietly in my ear and started to cry. 😕

So. You know. What was I supposed to do? 🤣 He followed me out to my car and happily climbed in, humming all the way home. In short, Herbeart is the best little boy. 🥹