Men gonna hate me.
This post is for the women on how to stay away and identify playboys, so they can indicate these major redflags and save themselves from people like me. I have been a playboy(not proud of, and i have faced severe consequences),so and I know all the tactics they use.
I have mentioned few of them here: 1. They will make you feel extremely good.(they are good with words) 2. Will give you time and attention but will be very inconsistent. 3. Make you feel they are not easy to get (hard to get play) 4. Will talk about things which will make you comfortable with them. 5. They know how to dress, how to give attention, how to get attention and 6. They will be soo fast with their moves. 7. Will never talk about previous relationships and will always lie 8. Will say everything you wanna hear 9. Will love bomb you, then run away 10. Will become defensive and will emotionally manipulate you when caught.
Men gonna hate me .