Straight up effed myself, or is there a way out that I'm not seeing?
Still very much a rookie player, I regularly screw myself by missing what might happen on the next turn.
I moved the artillery down to kill a vek on last turn, thinking I'd just move it away from the cataclysm line on this turn. Now that little asshole leaper has me stuck in place, and none (?) of my mechs can do anything about it. It's a little frustrating that the vek doesn't care about suiciding some units by deliberately moving them onto danger tiles.
Artillery itself can't shoot into melee, though even if it could it couldn't move away afterward so it's moot. Jet doesn't have room to jump over, and likewise would end up on the fault line anyway. The only way for Science to do anything would be to move behind Artillery and push it onto the leaper, but then Arty can move away and Science dies instead.
I figure I'm better off letting Arty die since it has a generic pilot with a grid def bonus. Lily isn't top shelf but she did roll mech reactor.
Any clever move I'm missing?