Looking for help debunking the lie that Hasan wants to expel Jews from Israel

There are still shitters online who are trying to say that Hasan wants to displace Jews from Israel, which is fucking absurd, because he's talked MULTIPLE times about how he doesn't want to expel Jews, not even the ones who are illegally settling the West Bank, because eviction and displacement is inherently an act of violence (or something like that).

He's talked about this so many times that I thought it would be easy to debunk, but the problem is, I'm actually having trouble finding a clip of him saying the above literally and explicitly. I'm keyword searching on "hasan piker jewish/israeli west bank settlers" and "Hasan says doesn't want to expel West Bank settlers", etc, but I'm either getting "Hasan settler baby targets" as results (eyeroll), or stuff about the West Bank more generally, and not what Hasan says about not expelling the Israeli settlers there.

If anyone happens to know of a vod or clip where Hasan is literally saying that he doesn't want to expel Jewish settlers from the West Bank (bonus points if he says because it's cruel), I'd really appreciate if you could pass that on to me. Or if you have any ideas for different keyword search terms that I could try.

I already know that there's a clip that sort of addresses this (clip #6) in Correcting the Misinformation, but it's not quite what I'm looking for, because Hasan doesn't explicitly say that he doesn't want to expel West Bank settlers in it, and I need that statement to be as clear and obvious as possible, because Hasan haters are dumb shitheads, and I don't want to leave any room for them to try to deny objective truth.