Is the post game just the Quest Counter?
I finished the main story (I guess), rescuing both Lyria and then Id, and then I got to the point where my party no longer required the Captain to be in it. Now my quest tracker in the corner is telling me to continue Rolan's work. I'm at 6/8 but all I've been doing is Quest Counter quest after Quest Counter quest. I've already cleared Hard, Very Hard, and am now working on Extreme.
Is this it? Just quick little quests for the rest of the game? They aren't even new zones or monsters, just rehash of things I already did earlier in the game, sometimes with a element swap (on the monster). I don't even know that I'd call them harder or different, just longer with bigger numbers. I'm hopeful that once I finish Rolan's work that something truly new will open up, because the Quest Counter is kind of boring.