What am I doing wrong?
I'm still struggling with TERRIBLE gas on low fodmap diet. Here's what I ate today (and what I tend to eat regularly)
Breakfast: two eggs, two pieces of canyon bakehouse gluten free bread (monash approved) with real maple syrup drizzled on top, and two slices of bacon. (I dont always have bacon)
Snack: So Delicious brand coconut milk yogurt 1/2 serving, with 4 strawberries.
Lunch: romaine lettuce salad with plain grilled chicken, carrot slices, and 2 tablespoons of wishbone balsamic vinegarette (monash says that's an ok serving size for this particular dressing) Or sometimes I have a su flower seed butter sandwich with sweet potato chips.
Snack: rice crackers unseasoned
Skip dinner because it will hurt my stomach at bed time if I eat after 2pm.
I research EVERYTHING before I eat now, and im still suffering with the worst gas pain (and odor). I've already been treated for SIBO, and H. Pylori, my gastrointerologist has me on miralax for constipation, im allergic/sensitive to nightshades, wheat, corn, peanuts, and shrimp. Im losing my mind! I fall asleep holding in my gas every night in pain to try and spare myself embarrassment... I can't keep doing this, nothing helps. Gas x doesn't help, fodzyme doesn't help, bean-o doesn't help... the ONLY thing that helps is when I starve myself and im only 108lbs, so I can't do that often. What am I doing wrong?
Am I accidentally eating something bad?