SCAR 16S first time out. Fired 10 shots at the range then wouldn't feed right and wouldn't shoot. What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: First off thank you everyone who commented on the post and helped me out. Just finished up at the range, shot two hundred rounds, no problem. I took everything apart again, cleaned and relubricated the gun, so if there was any issues there they got resolved, (didn't see any problems though) Inserted a magazine let the bolt slam and it ran like a dream. So I'm an idiot who didn't know what he was doing just like I thought.
cleaned the gun properly per FN guidelines before trying out. Was Super excited, fired some rounds, then I just couldn't get it to work. It wouldn't feed right and if anything hit the chamber, pull the trigger click, nothing. Any advice would be appreciated I'm field stripping it tomorrow morning to see if it's a quick fix but, figured this group might have some thoughts.