This article helped me move on

For context:

I got dumped by my boyfriend over chat on July 26, 2024 after asking him why he was cold towards me for about a month -- excluding me from our friends' meetups, prioritizing his cute friends over me, not saying "I love you" anymore 'cause he "doesn't feel like doing it", avoiding me when I open up about my problems or when we have issues, telling me (weeks after) that I have done something that irked him and expected me to read his mind/actions, changing the topic to the pair of Crocs he ordered when I told him that I am hurting, etc.

I am a very lenient person, I love my peace but I tend to address problems the moment I see them. He, however, is an avoidant and would always choose to kick problems under the rug than talk about them, believing that it would just make the problems bigger. He literally went to a nearby restaurant and muted me on messenger mid argument. That type.

In short, I got blindsided. Before the breakup, I encountered a HUGE problem that put me in one of the lowest points of my life that I almost commmitted s/cide. Instead of being there to support me, he got irritated instead and said that I "was not being mature enough to calm down." He told me that he only wants to be happy in his life. In short, he is a fairweather boyfriend.

From July 26 to 31, I tried talking to him, asking him if I can come over his house and talk. He was making excuses, clearly he doesn't want to see me anymore. I was like a zombie two weeks after the breakup, having no clue about what happened. He showed me love only to take it away when I am at my lowest.

On August 1, I made the decision to go no contact after reading this random article. I blocked his number, restricted his accounts on my socials, muted his stories, unfollowed him, etc. I went cold turkey, he wanted to be friends to lessen his pain, I decided to cut ties because why would I make things harder for me by making it easier for him?

The article made me see things from his side and it helped me accept the fact that he is the one who will never find true love because of his rigidity and unwillingness to grow.

I can say now that I, despite still thinking of him from time to time (which is normal), can't feel the love I once have for him anymore. I don't want him anymore, I'm waaay too hot and too kind for that bum anyway. 💅

He will forever look for me in another person's body.

Going no contact really helped me, understanding the situation healed me, accepting that he will never return got me up my feet. I really don't care about what he feels now, I made the decision to focus on myself and return him to the void.