Neighbors dog is destroying the fence, what are my rights?
My neighbor has an unclipped pitbull who desperately wants to get at my dog. Generally my dog is minding her own business in the yard, playing with our puppy, running around etc. and the dog next door is aggressively barking nonstop and over the past few weeks chomps at the fence boards completely destroying the fence making it so that I am very scared because he is huge and looks aggressive. We went ahead and replaced 35 fence boards with brand new ones (since the old ones were easy to break) in the section of yard that has their dog run in it so now hopefully he won’t bust through the fence. Our neighbor got pissed because we used screws that were a tiny bit too long and poked out on their side and he kicked the fence breaking one of the new boards. They don’t seem to care that their aggressive dog is trying to get at our dogs and it’s causing me a lot of stress. What do I do? What are my rights?