Going solo monthly update
Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I last updated 100 days to be exact. So this won’t be a monthly update more of a November 1st 2024 - January 31st 2025 update
In my other posts things were going pretty good but it’s definitely slowed down, nothing negative just a part of opening a new business. Just trying to navigate and figure out what gets people through the door but man is it slow
I’m now going on 7 months open In my last update the month of October I had 24 clients
November I had 20 clients
December I had 12 clients
January I had 13 clients
To give a good comparison my second month I brought in 11 so we’ve slowed down quite a bit. Nothing to worry about just yet but enough to notice
In my last update I had 16 5 star reviews I now have 26 which I’m very grateful for. I love my clients dearly. I’ve noticed now it’s more just my returning clients coming back rather than new clients who have the potential to be returning clients.
my last update in October I made $2,379.87 my goal was to reach $2,500
November I made $2,285 with 28 hrs of services booked
December I made $1,787.78 with 18 hrs booked
January I made $1,551.18 with 15 hrs booked
Coming to a total of $5,623.96
This month so far I’m estimated to bring in $1,050 but I usually get some bookings throughout the month so it could possibly be more!
I want to be completely transparent in the highs and lows. My plan was to start off once a week and work my way up to full time November my one day a week got fully booked so i ended up adding three 4 hr shifts to my schedule that month but other than that no bookings other than the my regular Sunday . Im not giving up any time soon but i will be looking for work outside of just doing my business in order to afford everything i need. Im still making profit but not nearly enough to survive.
Here’s to hoping February will be a bit better!! I’m offering a sale hopefully I can get some clients in the door if not I’m going to have to brainstorm