I will never be an equestrian...

so guys here's my story:

I've been practicing taekwondo since I was like 3 yro in my kindergarten's sports center. Rn I'm 10-16 yro and I'm still in taekwondo even I asked to get out of it to my parents. I've been begging and crying to them to inscript me in an equestrian sport team but they got 2 reasons:

1- In the country we live (Costa Rica) equitation is really expensive (1M colones or more)

2- And here horses are hard to find and to buy bc we need too many requirements (big and open spaces, vaccination, expert horse veterinary etc)

So I told them to buy a hobbyhorse or something like that but I can't have one of those :(

I think I have to say goodbye to this nice sport...

Greetings and thanks Sare.