Can we once again talk about leaving horse manure behind?

So many people will complain about it, not actually wanting a conversation, just wanting to shit on other people. Yes, there's snobby equestrians. But carrying a bag for horse shit isn't that easy. Now, horse poop, since they are herbivores, isn't toxic like a dog's poop. We know that. It's good fertilizer. I agree that when it comes to sidewalks and roads, we should at least kick it into the grass or something like that. But just don't hike on trails where horses are allowed if you can't deal with it that bad, there will be poop on hiking trails, deal with it. Whether it's a horse's or a wild animal's. I am asking for genuine conversation here, unlike half of the common posts about this topic. I don't think there's really a solid solution but we can at least make agreements.